Friday 1 May 2009

The Happy Moment

Tuesday 28 April

This day is a happy day ,went out with my girlfriend =)When i came down from the cab ,i saw her walking in the entrance .So i juz decide to chase her ,but she juz walk too fast .She doesnt know it was me when I 'm juz bside her .She was quite shocked when she saw me ,she tot is a stranger following her =S

We watched Fast & Furious 4 in GSC .Lots of action inside ,the car was so impress .Overall is not bad ,She loves this show ,right my dear ?After the movie ,we juz lepak around ,window shopping .We bought some breads n donuts for our lunch ,around 4 something going to reach 5 .We juz ate infront of Nichii ,sitting the bench .The stupid strawberry donut dropped at my jeans ,is so sticky n sweet ,ewww ~OK stop !

We continue to lepak around ,c wat can we do nxt .OOps ,we went to dream world n take photo .Our first time u know ?Quite happy ,hahaha -.-We juz walk here n dere c which machine is nice ,it took us sum times i think .Finally we juz change token n go in the "machine ".The "machine" we choose is quite weird ,there are fan inside will blow ur hair ,looks yeng .But we din choose that ,we choose another 1.

Me n Her ~

Thats the pics that we took dream world ,nice ?

Thx for being wif me for so long dear ,is already half a yr we together ,veri happy le .U gave me lots of sweet memories n also happy moment we spent together .I love u more than every1 does ,i know is quite lame ,but im juz telling the truth =)muacksss ~

1 comment:

  1. It wasn't lame !!!
    For me it was sweet ~
    Love ya ~
