Wednesday 13 January 2010

Im lost

So im back for blogging ,its already few months i din update my blog .so im here to crap for a while .
Well ,lets tok bout my internship .its reli boring ,traffic jam ,stuck inside the lrt ,walk to the office ,and im always late to the office ,so i got poor for my time keeping .Not reli enjoy the life in my company ,but i met danny .he's a director ,he taught me lots of stuff and his stories without a doubt ..second 1 is miss wong also a director ,well shes cute actually and shes our "feng shui "in the company .i think im gonna stop for this .
Why we eat ?drink ?clothes ?we'll die if we dont .every1 studying for their future ,adults works for their future and the words is Money .No money no joy ,ya datz right .but for those who din take care of their health ,they will suffer end of the day .they use all their money just for treating their sickness but not enjoying .
Majority of them said we must enjoy while we still alive .we eat wateva we wants to eat ,we do wateva we feel like doing ,thats the point we live .ur diet is not right ,u will get disease like cancer ,diabetes ,heart attack and etc .Some of dem also said that those who eat right on their diet still die end of the day ,so wats the different ?yes they die too ,they die without suffering ,but die peace and without pain .those who not care for their health ,dey die very pain ,suffer and so on .Ofcoz im not cursing ,just sharing .dun mind me .
Having furniture class tmr morning ,is actually dam lazy to wake up so early .i bet the lecturer will late to the class .nxt week hav to show some drawings and site analyze for bs and id class .juz the 2nd week and we r so busy ,dam 7 stress lo point blaming ,just do it .hope i can do it and also the classmate .We reap just what we sow .God bless all of you and my self too :)nite every1