Friday 24 July 2009

i love her u :)

well ,just came back from kota with frends ,went to pool again n station 1 .theres 2 singers that i havent seen dem b4 ,a guy n a gal .she sang if i were a boy from beyonce ,was so impressive ,her sound was gorgeous :)

the time is 2 .30 am ,n im still blogging while my family are sleeping .is damn busy this few weeks until sem break ,just cant stand it anymore .sum1 said college life is great ,the schedule are free .yeah when i was sem 1 and 2 ,but not now .everything just "pop "and u must finish it by time .sound sucks right ?the assignment is dam a lot ,time is close ,what can i say ?hope there 're stop machine to time stop ,or mayb delay the time .this is so ridiculous

well ,today is our 9th months anniversary :)love her ,care for her ,see her smile :Pthere are not only words can describe everything ,thats what i always said .we shared ,we laugh together ,we did many things together .to me ,she is fabulous :)yeah this is the compliment for u dear ~u r just great ,and i hope u can b strong to face the problem ,but not ignore or avoid it .im always here for u k ?love u dear ~nites ~

Thursday 16 July 2009


Went out with frends on tuesday evening til night .we went for pool at kota damansara ,drove dere ,tired shit .After that ,we decide wher to hav our dinner ,yeah kepong steamboat ,is 15 per head ..expensive sial !

We decided to split into 2 soup ,tom yam n "qing tong "love both of the soup .the tomyam was freaking spicy n hot +the chilly sauce .At first when i saw the dish is quite small n guess it is not enuf for us .after we sapu all thos meat balls ,we getting full ,left all those mee n mihun .

Dun feel like going home ,so juz stay dere n "blow blow water "sin .wanna test keat new phone phone camera ,so we camwhored ,took few pics of it .well ,time past , so juz drove dem back .

Even tho hav lots of assignment nit to rush ,but still take some time out wif frends for food n games .life without enjoy is quite boring ,always appreciate n cares for ur frend around u =)i always do !


steam sial ~

this is the pic that took at the steamboat place ~k la ,post again nxt time ,nites all ~

Friday 10 July 2009

Life without Joy

Wow ,just went to tmn tun park for a jog with dear n her bro !cant admit that im old ,just ran 3 rounds :(but felt relax n fresh ~well ,on d way back home ,dey comwhored ,how enjoy !!
That lots of thing to busy within this few weeks "ASSIGNMENTS "kena rejected many times by lecturer .monday i still cant show her sumthing ,i will die in her hands .just duno what happen around dis months ,im totally lost .the interest that i had last time is gone ,far away !but no matter what it is ,how is it ,i still go on .

sometimes i hesitate ,am i got the right choice ??many quest marks appeared in my mind .screw it man ..



dun give a damn nimore ,just try the best ,is more than enuf :)just follow ur feels "u think its fun ,u do it "

nite peeps :D
p /s :love u always dear ~